In a recent article from July 2018, Forbes writer, Mark Murphy discussed a psychological quirk that may explain why many leaders struggle to recognize employees for good work.
It is a fascinating read but for all you individuals moving at turbo speed out there- I will summarize it in 150 words or less. Here we go!
- Recognized employees = inspired, motivated employees. (Again for emphasis)
- Recognition is the #1 driver resulting in good work!!!
Which leads us to…expectation. All managers would praise employees for great work, right? Wrong!
Reality: Only 38% of employees said that their boss ‘always’/‘frequently’ recognized their accomplishments.
What! Why? Answer: Reason Based Choice.
Explained: The average leader spends more time looking at negative issues. If time is spent looking for problems we’re going to find lots of them. And if we spend our time looking for positives we’re going to find many examples of people doing great work.
BUT leaders have a choice.
Look for negatives = only find the bad.
Look for the positives = you find it and recognize them for it!
And what does a recognized employee result in? Answer: Inspired, motivated employees!!!!
Whew! You did it. No applause necessary!
If you want the full extent of the article and a really great example using Reason Based Choice in a court custody battle and how it reflects leaders at work (highly recommend) read here.