Employee Appreciation Day was created with the intent of strengthening the bond between leaders and employees as well as celebrating the efforts of their staff. Organizations would be wise to partake in holiday celebrations as it is a simple way for employers to prove they value their staff. Through our vast experience celebrating employees, we have listed 5 of […]
It’s Not Personal
“It’s not personal, it’s business” Whoever started that phrase must’ve been a heartless being and I call bullshit. Anytime one puts their heart and soul in to something, it becomes personal, and no one’s going to convince me otherwise. I’ve been passionate about business and setting my ideas in to motion for as long as […]
Start Here When Building A Top Workplace Culture
If you were to search the word ‘culture’ in Google it comes back with over 2 billion results. Try it for yourself if you don’t believe me. With over 2 billion websites competing for your attention, how do you compete when trying to build a magnetic workplace culture? So, if you’re about to embark on […]
Bring me solutions, not problems.
Do managers understand the significance of telling their employees to bring them solutions instead of problems? Think about what kind of attitude you would have towards your manager if that’s what they admonished. Seriously, stop reading and take a few seconds to think about what your attitude would be… Is “Don’t show me problems, show […]
Creating Culture in The Social Media Free Era
Let’s flashback to a time when social media didn’t exist, a time when the internet was just starting out and a new concept to most everyone. Would you know how to create innovative and positive culture in that type of work environment? As a 20-something millennial, I couldn’t imagine trying to create a company or […]
Recognition Matters: An Infographic of Why
Recognition and the lack thereof is one of the most significant drivers of poor engagement scores. In fact, according to Gallup, employees who aren’t regularly recognized, are twice as likely to leave their current positions in the next year. That’s why we took the time to ask our valued AMPT users what impact recognition on […]